Paradise Valley Ragdolls

If You Make the Decision
Starting a Cattery
Job Without Pay
How To Buy Breeders
Mentor & Mentoring
The Down Side
If You Make the Decision

If You Make the Decision

If you decide you do indeed want to start breeding, then join as many clubs and computer lists as you can. Many clubs have nice starter kits, with genetic information on pattern prediction etc. They also have newsletters to keep members up to date on the latest information. This is a good way to keep in contact with other Ragdoll breeders and keep track of who and what is winning at the shows.

When you decide where to go for your breeders, you should also have an idea of what colors and patterns you want to work with. There are different combinations of colors and patterns that will give you the widest variety of colors and patterns in the litters. This might be something to think about. If you like one color or pattern better than another, then stick with that. It’s up to you to decide. Most of the colors and patterns sell easily.

Make sure the breeder you buy your kittens from sell you SBT, Showable to Championship kittens. Some breeders are working on new colors and patterns, by using out crosses. While this is OK, a breeder from these lines should never be sold (especially to a new person) until it is all the way to full Ragdoll. Chances are if it is an earlier generation, it will still need some work done to bring it up to standard. It wouldn’t be fair to give this cat to a new breeder and expect them to know how to improve the next generation. Also, remember that there are Solid color (non-pointed) Ragdolls out there that are SBT registered, but they are not showable for Championship, and not popular even as pets. I wouldn’t recommend one to a new person.


Julie Perman
Phoenix, Arizona